lut 12 2004

Love is...

Komentarze: 5

by Greg Scelsa


Love is...a tender feeling,

Love is...a way of being,

Love is...just showing someone you care.

Love is...helping with the dishes,

Love is...feeding your pet fishes,

Love is...just giving from your heart.

Love is so very simple,

It's not a mystery,

When you treat those around you

The very same way

You want them to treat you.

Love is...your baby sister,

Love is...playing with her,

Love is holding her when she cries.

Love is...sharing your candy,

Love is...being all that you can be.

Love is lending a helping hand

When someone needs you.

Love is...L-O-V-E

Love is... For you and for me.

Oh! Love is the greatest thing in the world....


Taki oto tekst wyniosłam z dzisiejszego angielskiego ;) Myśle, że jest bardzo prawdziwy i troszke zabawny ;) Następna notka będzie pewnie koło 25 lutego, więc życze wszystkim dużo MIŁOŚĆI :)

zmiennna : :
22 maja 2007, 09:29
I base these views partly on the success of a comparable approach to making models generally available in cognitive modeling (Google for \"ACT-R cognitive architecture\" for more details.) Good luck! mediterranean diet jewish history blood type diet mature porn jewish seder diet fitness gift basket jewish heart healthy diet fat mature jewish prayer
20 lutego 2004, 16:20
co tak pozno ta nowa notka cio?? :>
14 lutego 2004, 11:30
nawzajem :). fajny wiersz
12 lutego 2004, 21:29
A czego tak pozno ;/;/;/ Love is ....hmmm
12 lutego 2004, 21:01
I nawzajem ;)

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